Bringing the best Point of Care Knowledge to Scotland

Collaboration, Innovation,  Inspiration

Here at POCT-for-Scot, our vision is to bring together a Point of Care Network from within Scotland to the global Point of Care market. 

We aim to provide this by using our forum to share knowledge, expertise and collaborate to provide a growing demand for Point of Care with the best and most innovative services possible.

Welcome to our vision

Why POCT-for-Scot was born

POCT-for-Scot has been borne out of an awareness of the frustration and need for more support within the Point of Care (POC) Scottish community. I have been involved in POC since 2004 in a number of guises but throughout it all, my passion to deliver quality health care to the patient has been my career focus. I have been incredibly lucky to have had the privilege to attend many seminars focusing solely on POC but at each venue I would find myself as the only representative from Scotland and would often wonder why? Yes they were relatively far away by comparison but the innovation, enthusiasm, networking and sharing that went on was worthy of the travel. 

Myself, and Robyn Wilson are co founders of POCT–for-Scot. Whilst we both work for NHS Tayside this is a completely independent venture and we have called it POCT– for-Scot to be inclusive and collaborative with all NHS trusts and affiliated with no particular vendor. This will work most effectively if all of our POC community comes together and develop this space for our needs.

The aim of POCT-for Scot is to be a platform for all grades of BMS, clinical scientist, health professionals, and companies offering POC devices to work together. Our wish is for this to be a POC hub where we all collaborate in order to share best practice, ideas and support one another. This platform is shared via the web page and on Instagram at both are designed to be easily accessible to all.  

POC within Scotland needs to move forward as a collective we need to embrace the momentum, come together and work towards a positive future. POCT–for-Scot will help bring “down south” events “up North” in an inclusive group that centralises POC information and sign posts potential future developments to a place we can go for help, advice and information as an interactive resource. 

As a community we have the potential to take back control and begin to shape the future of Point of Care in a post-covid world where everyone knows our name. Please join our community and share in our goals and if we can, our successes. Despite our enthusiasm, we cannot do this alone.

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." – Helen Keller

"If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself." --Henry Ford. 

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them” – Walt Disney.


“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead


What we do

Please explore below to find out how we can make our vision a reality

Conferences & Networking

Bringing the most up to date vendors and the best minds together to move forward with a Point of Care strategy for Scotland and the world for the benefit of the patient.

Papers & Articles

Here we share innovations, interesting information and noteworthy research in all aspects of Point of Care.


As keen collaborators we offer consultancy services on all aspect of Point of Care. Including - governance, policy making, tender processes and device selection as well as securing funding for a more robust future.

The road to accreditation

We will be sharing and updating our progress towards ISO 22870 accreditation. 

An honest account of lessons learned, achievements and all ways in which it can be made easier for your own Point of Care service.

Jayne McKay: Director

Jayne has worked as a Biomedical Scientist since 1998. Jayne became Point of Care manager for NHS Tayside in June 2020.

With a highly experienced Haematology background Jayne has been able to use this knowledge to join the community Point of Care Teams with the hospital teams to create a network for the overarching governance of Point of Care within Tayside.

Jayne is also a newly appointed member of the IBMS Specialist Advisory Panel for Point of Care.

Robyn Wilson: Director

Robyn has worked as a Biomedical Scientist since 2011, based in Tayside she has developed a strong Point of Care knowledge base.  

Since becoming a senior Biomedical Scientist within Point of Care in 2018 the service has developed a strong governance structure, become known to the service users and continues to develop with the demand for ever increasing innovations.

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